The Inayati Order of Austin (Austin, Texas, USA) offers classes, gatherings and other resources in order to infuse spirituality into everyday life. We seek to reveal the Divine, the Only Being, in all the many names and forms which have been presented to mankind by the masters, saints and prophets of all ages. We take inspiration from the Sufi sage Hazrat Inayat Khan and are affiliated with The Inayatiyya, a Sufi path of spiritual liberty.
“Our objective is to realize and spread the knowledge of unity, the religion of love and wisdom, so that the human heart may overflow with love, and all hatred caused by distinctions and differences may be rooted out.”
Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Toward the One” is the opening phrase of the invocation written by Hazrat Inayat Khan that simultaneously connects us to and acknowledges the living presence of the One God:
“Toward the One, the Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, the Only Being, united with all the Illuminated Souls, who form the Embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.”
Note – Some of the material contained on this website found expression before there was any effort to remove gender discrimination from common usage. Out of respect for our historical sources, we have left the language as it was originally given, feeling that a careful reading of the texts in question reveals open-hearted inclusion rather than any intent to exclude any group. Nevertheless, we offer our sincere apologies to any who feel alienated or offended by the choice of words herein.