(This page is hosted here temporarily. We hope eventually to move it to the Inayatiyya Ziraat site.)

Cultivating Ziraat was a series of 6 introductory classes held in May and June, 2024, for those wishing to learn about the Ziraat Activity. Here are notes and video recordings of the Zoom sessions. You can watch the videos online or right-click (Mac: Control+click) to download them.
Faculty: Wali Via, Aziza Barker-Stanton, Mumtaz Kammerer, Nehmat Kyan, Zebunissa Overeynder and Saraswati Burke
The spiritual force that is pouring out on the world today is quickening every kind of seed in the human heart. If the seeds have been quickened, the harvest must be reaped; that is the law.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Session 1 – Introduction and Overview of Ziraat
Presenters: Wali and Aziza
Session 2 – The Ziraat Lodge Ceremony
Presenter: Mumtaz
Session 3 – Pir Vilayat and Pir Zia’s Contribution to Ziraat – Attuning to Nature
Presenters: Zebunissa, Saraswati, and Nehmat
Session 4 – Symbology in Ziraat
Presenter: Aziza
Session 5 – Addressing the Eco-Crisis and Seeding the New Epoch
Presenters: Saraswati and Wali
Session 6 – Ziraat Lodge, and Initiations
Presenters: Wali and others
The final session was devoted to initiating people into the Ziraat. Because we don’t have their permission, we have removed the initiations, leaving Wali’s introductory comments, the lodge ceremony, and some conversation afterwards.